Monday, July 14, 2008


I am back. Ok so today was day number 11 with a bass drum strapped to my front. It has really been three weeks at the end of the this week, but today was the eleventh day. If that make sense. I am really tired but all in all today was good.

Time flew by as usual, going from 9 to 11 to noon then slowly through the lunch break, (crazy I know, completely and totally backwards, lunch should be short, practice long, but the one hour of lunch takes longer than the six hour practice) The next thing I knew it was 2. We marched for like fifteen min. then had (what seemed like) a half hour break, then marched like half an hour and then boom! 4 o'clock time to go home. I am very thankful that lunch is so long and practice so short.

But even during these short periods, a lot of sun damage can take place. I currently have sun poison on my neck and am pealing like a banana on my legs and ears. I also have a pretty shade of rose pink on my arms, face, and upper legs. Oh, and heaven forbid I forget my hair is chock full of chunks of pealing skin. Please don't get sick, you discolor your keyboard. Yesterday while drying and putting away dishes my brother said, 'Would you rather have a million dollars or be rid of your sun poison?'
'Sun poison' I said. Then he added millions until he reached like 300 million dollars. I still chose to be rid of my sun poison. He though I was nuts. Dora agreed.

I guess I should say who Dora is. She is my sister. Brighton is my brother. Tobi is my other sister. In age it goes me 15, Brighton 12 (13 this month), Dora 8, and Tobi 5. And don't forget ma mere et mon pere. They recently celebrated their 4th anneversery. Then again they have married for 16 years, can you figure it out?

Well Ta ta for now


bryan vickery said...

hoorah sari's blogging! :O)